Networking Community

Fourth-generation fundamentalist Carlton Pearson, a Christian megastar and host, takes a courageous and controversial stand on religion that proposes a hell-less Christianity and a gospel of inclusion that calls for an end to local and worldwide conflicts and divisions along religious lines.
The Gospel of Inclusion explores the exclusionary doctrines in mainstream religion and concludes that according to the evidence of the Bible and irrefutable logic, they cannot be true. Bishop Pearson argues that the controlling dogmas of religion are the source of much of the world's ills and that we should turn our backs on proselytizing and holy wars and focus on the real good news: that we are all bound for glory, everybody is saved, and if we believe God loves all mankind, then we have no choice but to have the same attitude ourselves.
The Gospel of Inclusion also tells the story of a powerful religious figure who watched everything he had crumble due to a scandal. Why? He didn't steal money nor did he have inappropriate sexual relationships. Following a revelation from God, he began to preach that a loving God would not condemn most of the human race to hell because they are not Christian. Hepreaches that God belongs to no religion. The Gospel of Inclusion is the journey of one man's quest to preach a new truth.

The grandson of a Methodist minister and the son of a Pentecostal minister, Dr. Harold Lovelace received his BTh and MTh Degrees in Biblical Studies from Florida Theological Seminary and his Doctor of Divinity Degree from Cornerstone University. He has also studied at Alabama Polytechnic Institute and the University of South Alabama. Dr. Lovelace has ministered in the US, Canada, Haiti and Mexico.
DR. HAROLD LOVELACE has researched the scriptures concerning the Ultimate Reconciliation of All Things. The information he has gathered has been published in a detailed softbound book (136 pages) with over 600 verses into more than 350 groups, printed out completely, with the Key Words emphasized, concordance numbers, references and comments. Some of the subjects in the book are: hell, lake of fire, brimstone, for ever and related words as: age/s, world/s, never, course and eternal which are not endless in meaning. Also much is written about the "outcome of the wicked" and "the restitution of all things" because God loves, forgives, and restores all and will be All in All.

New Thought Center for Spiritual Living is a spiritual community and way of life that honors all paths to God. We promote spiritual tools for personal transformation and help make the world a better place.
Rev. David Alexander - Community Spiritual Leader
David Alexander is a life-long student of spiritual principles, having been born and raised in the New Thought tradition. Called to the ministry at age thirteen, Rev. David has made the study and application of universal spiritual principles his life devotion. Rev. David became a Licensed Religious Science Practitioner in 1999, received his ministerial license in 2004 and was ordained in 2006, and affiliated with United Centers for Spiritual Living in 2007. Rev. David serves on the Board of Directors for the Community of Welcoming Congregations. Rev. David writes the monthly column "Philosophy in Action" for Science of Mind magazine. Rev. David has a deep passion for New Thought history and manages the site In April of 2009 Rev. David was inducted into the Martin Luther King Jr. Board of Preachers of Morehouse College. As one of the youngest and most dynamic ministers in the New Thought movement, his messages are inspiring, humorous and relevant to today's world. Rev. David serves as the co-founding and Senior Minister of New Thought Center for Spiritual Living (2004-Present). In 2012 Rev. David was elected to the first Leadership Council of the newly formed Centers for Spiritual Living organization and is currently serving a 2 year term on the council.

"Rev. Jesse Herriott is a spiritual writer and teacher. He has been an associate minister, college professor, and today lectures widely on spiritual psychology, the Jesus Experience, and the Bible as resources to expand awareness. Jesse is in the process of completing doctoral studies in spiritual psychology at Sofia University (formally known as the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology) and is a contributing writer and columnist on Jesse is also the host of a popular broadcast, airing every Tuesday at 10am Eastern on Unity Online Radio, "Living on Purpose" ( Find out more at"

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Tired of trying to fit into society's mold of religion? Following someone else's path to spiritual enlightenment? Efforts to do this have left most of us feeling like we are sitting alone in the dark. The Weekly Eureka invites you to flip on a light switch - ask the questions - question the answers and join others on the journey to the most important discovery of all - that of your true self.
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