4th Annual CCC Gathering

October 31 - November 3, 2012  |  Decatur, Ga
Watch all sessions Live Online or On Demand at a later time!

You are invited to take part in the 4th Annual Communion of Christ Consciousness (CCC). The goal for this year’s CCC will be to equip Inclusive ministers and spiritual communities to not only survive but to thrive in seasons of transition and transformation.

"I am so excited about the season we are in. Spirit is living and moving and having its being in, through and as us. Each time we have assembled there has been both a constant flow of revelation and a powerful sense of confirmation. As the light of God that is in each of us joins collectively with other light bearers it produces a powerful atmosphere for true enlightenment to manifest. I anticipate this year’s CCC to take us to an even higher place of worship and consciousness. In this moment, the movement toward deeper revelation and expanded consciousness is growing every day. New bridges are being built and fascinating friendships are being formed on the foundational idea that there is one God and one human family.

The dates for this year’s gathering will be October 31 – November 3, 2012. The meetings will be held at Spirit and Truth Sanctuary (formerly Cathedral of the Holy Spirit). We have recently relocated and our new address is 2915 Midway Road, Decatur, Ga., 30030. We will begin with a corporate worship service on Wednesday night and continue with day sessions on Thursday and Friday. The plenary teachings and discussions will include a variety of topics (from Inclusion to Oneness) and each session will encourage group dialogue and discussion. If you desire licensing, ordination or covering from the CCC let us know in advance so that we may prepare the appropriate documents and make plans for the ceremony. Speakers for this year’s CCC will be Reverend David Alexander, Reverend David Ault, Reverend Rowena Silverra, Dr. Harold Lovelace, Reverend Jon Scott, myself and Bishop Carlton Pearson.

On Saturday, November 3rd we will assemble in downtown Atlanta for our 4th Annual Pro-Love March (www.pro-love.org), an initiative designed to bring together white and black, Christian and Muslim, gay and straight, to encourage coexistence and unity. We would also like to extend an invitation to all of you to join us for November 4th for Sunday Worship at 8:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m.

We anticipate a powerful time of Revelation, Impartation and Transformation!"

~D.E. Paulk, CCC 2012 Invitation

How do I register?


Thursday, November 1st
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.         Breakfast and Registration
10:00 a.m.                  D.E. Paulk - Opening and
                    Introduction of Guests and Ministries
11:00 a.m.                   Rowena Silvera
Lunch                   Lunch on your own
2:00 p.m.                     Nicholas O’Rourke
3:00 p.m.                     Dr. Harold Lovelace

Friday, November 2nd
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.         Breakfast
9:30 a.m.                     Jon Scott
10:30 a.m.                   David Alexander
Lunch                   Lunch on your own
1:30 p.m.                     D.E. Paulk
                                    Conclude with Ordinations
3:00 p.m.          Break and leave for Hindu Temple
4:00 p.m.                     Hindu Temple Tour
460 Rockbridge Road, Lilburn, GA 30047
See insert for details and information.

Saturday, November 3rd
10:00 a.m.                    PRO-LOVE MARCH
See insert for details and information.

Sunday, November 4th
8:30 & 11:00 a.m.        Worship Services
Spirit and Truth Sanctuary

2012 Letter of Invitation

The dates for this year’s gathering will be October 31 – November 3, 2012. The meetings will be held at Spirit and Truth Sanctuary (formerly Cathedral of the Holy Spirit). We have recently relocated and our new address is 2915 Midway Road, Decatur, Ga., 30030. The goal for this year’s CCC will be to equip Inclusive ministers and ministries to not only survive but to thrive in seasons of transition and transformation.
2012 Registration Form

Download, complete and return this form to:
CCC, PO Box 371289, Decatur, GA 30037
or by fax at (404) 243-5927
Or contact LaDonna Paulk at 404-243-5020
or ladonna.paulk@mytruthsanctuary.com

CCC 2012 Registration Fee
2012 Hotel Information

These are hotels convenient to Spirit & Truth Sanctuary. We are in contact with several of these requesting either group or discounted rates. Please feel free to contact Randy Renfroe at (770) 313-7445 or randy.renfroe@mytruthsanctuary.com for assistance or more information.
Networking Community

We are excited about our plans to update our website as a resource and tool for our networking community. Please complete this form and return to us so you and your spiritual community can be referenced and linked on our website

Please also email the following to info@coc-c.org:
1. A headshot of the ministry leader(s) and
2. A ministry logo.
Get Adobe Reader (PDF Viewer)

If you are unable to download any of the forms above, please download the latest FREE version of Adobe Reader.

Pro-Love March 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012  |  10:00 a.m.  |  Atlanta, GA
On Saturday, November 3rd we will assemble in downtown Atlanta for our 4th Annual Pro-Love March, an initiative designed to bring together white and black, Christian and Muslim, gay and straight... to encourage coexistence and unity.

Visit  www.pro-love.org  for more information!
June 2011 Carlton Pearson, D.E. Paulk and David Ault
June 2011 3rd Annual Pro-Love March
June 2011 3rd Annual Pro-Love March
June 2011 3rd Annual Pro-Love March
July 2007 Inaugural Pro-Love March